
Sixth Grade Overview

Sixth grade marks the emergence of adolescence and the struggle between light and dark. Self-consciousness comes in the form of argument, deflection, and tears. Who is my friend? What’s happening to my body? Why is everyone mean to me? This feeling approach to thinking is the first step toward critical thinking. Roman Civilization and Middle Ages history mirror students’ intensity. Science (astronomy, physics, mineralogy) is met with discernment and insight.


6th Grade Curriculum at a Glance


History: Ancient Rome, The Middle Ages

Science: Geology, Physics, Astronomy

Geography: World Geography/Biomes

Religions: World Religions I: Judaism, Christianity, Islam

Math: Business Math

Drama: Class Play


6th Grade Curriculum in Detail


  • LITERATURE, VOCABULARY, SPELLING (2 classes per week)

  • Reading, discussion, and processing (written and oral) of 7-9 age-level classics

  • 4-5 books read together as a class; 3-4 read at home as independent readers

  • Weekly units in Worldy Wise Vocabulary Series 6

  • Weekly spelling lists drawn from vocabulary units and main lesson work

  • Self-editing and proofreading of assignments for adherence to writing conventions


  • Ongoing attention on mastering writing conventions and developing grammar sense

  • Students learn to distinguish complex sentences from simple and compound sentences; to identify verb tenses, auxiliary verbs, linking verbs, and transitive verbs; to identify and diagram parts of speech

  • Directed practice with different types of writing, focusing on good sentences, solid paragraphs, and developing ideas in short essays



  • In Business Math block, students are introduced to percentages and formulas for computing interest.

  • In Geometric Drawing, students use compass and straightedge to construct complex geometric forms

  • Additional new material includes work with ratios, divisibility, factorization, conversion among fractions/decimals/ percent, finding area and perimeter of specific geometric shapes, doing conversions between the English and metric systems, statistical graphs, and formulas for converting currencies

  • Ongoing practice with mental math, decimal/fraction conversions, data and graphs interpretation, number relationships through pattern identification, and application of problem-solving strategies


  • Middle School Choir

  • Gregorian chant study including composition

  • Guitar

  • Soprano and alto recorder

  • Instrumental ensembles


  • Assistant Team sports spaceball, dodgeball, scoop lacrosse, softball,

  • Competitive & cooperative games and activities

  • Preparation for regional Medieval Games: archery, stave fencing, spear throwing

  • Yoga

  • Sportsmanship


  • Painting – Portraits and landscapes

  • Charcoal Portraiture

  • Calligraphy

  • Daily drawing practice in main lesson as part of lesson processing


  • Hand Sewing

  • Projects: Felted ball and design and sew an elephant


  • Handmade gift for first grade buddy (gnome house or carving of name on plank of pine)

  • Sanding and preparation of shields for Medieval Games

FRIDAY CURRICULUM – Siskiyou School Faculty or Visiting Teachers

COMMUNITY SERVICE- Class undertakes 2-4 projects for the school & community (6-8 hours)

WELLNESS PROGRAM & TRUST CIRCLES – Guest Presenters/Facilitators (4-6 hour-long sessions)

  • Presentations & facilitated conversations on Healthy Relationships, Media Literacy, Sexuality, Healthy Choices & Communication


  • Computer Basics: care of laptops, turning on/off, logging in/off, opening web browser

  • Touch typing using an online typing tutor

  • Proper ergonomics/ wrist alignment


  • Use of compass and straightedge

  • Bi-section of line and angle

  • 6 and 12 division of circle

  • Equilateral triangle, hexagram, hexagon

MIDDLE SCHOOL FRIDAYS – Siskiyou School faculty or Visiting Teachers (January – May)

  • 6th graders pursue an elective over 4-5 Friday classes, 90 minutes each

  • 3-4 blocks of electives offered during the semester; elective options vary per block

  • Sample electives include cooking, 3-D printing, improv, dance, school newspaper, printmaking


  • Receiving a 1st grade buddy at the Opening Day Sunflower Ceremony

  • Inaugurating the new 6th grade classroom

  • 3-Day Fall Orientation camping trip to Lassen National Park

  • Preparing for and participating in the Medieval Games

  • Pursuing the Squire’s Challenge & the Knighting Ceremony
